outstanding balance

美 [aʊtˈstændɪŋ ˈbæləns]英 [aʊtˈstændɪŋ ˈbæləns]
  • 未清余额
outstanding balanceoutstanding balance
  1. We have frequently been concerned about your outstanding balance .


  2. The simple solution would be to simply repay the outstanding balance in full .


  3. Outstanding balance of consumer credit


  4. Encourage prompt payments to RI for the full amount of the outstanding balance .


  5. Our monthly interest is 1.5 % of the outstanding balance . Would you please fill out this application form ?


  6. Starting this year , China will follow standard international practices by adopting the method of outstanding balance management for its national debt .


  7. Technical Debt is like a credit card that charges a high interest rate , just leaving the team with an outstanding balance cost .


  8. This worksheet shows you how unpaid accrued interest can affect the outstanding balance of your loan .


  9. You have four weeks to repay the outstanding balance ... or this school ... is declared officially bankrupt .


  10. A lender 's right to demand payment of the outstanding balance of the loan at a time specified in the loan agreement .


  11. 36 Do not borrow money . Pay any bills you incur promptly . Encourage prompt payments to RI for the full amount of the outstanding balance .


  12. The results of experiment show that extended algorithm has achieved the outstanding balance between efficiency and accuracy , and can adjust the accuracy and the efficiency dynamically through adjusting the parameters of clustering method .


  13. Promptly after the latest of the expiry dates of the Defects Notification Periods , the outstanding balance of the Retention Money shall be paid to the Contractor .


  14. Article 13 The outstanding balance of a securities firm ′ s loans of book-entry central government bonds plus repo transactions may not exceed 600 percent of its net worth .


  15. By contrast , rules are only executed when the conditions for that rule are exactly matched as a result of other system processing ( for example , applying payment against an outstanding balance ) .


  16. We provided more rural financial services , and the outstanding balance of bank loans to agriculture , rural areas and farmers increased from 6.12 trillion yuan at the end of 2007 to 17.63 trillion yuan at the end of 2012 .


  17. Benchmark provisioning rate : The standard percentage of outstanding principal Balance of non-accrual loans set aside for provisioning .


  18. Savings effected in liquidating prior year obligations At December 31 , there were nine loans with delinquent payments of over 90 days , or just 0.16 per cent of the Outstanding Principal balance .


  19. When the reporter 's right to know conflicts with individual 's right to privacy in the news gathering , it seems particularly urgent and outstanding to define and balance these two kinds of rights .


  20. outstanding Our records show you have an outstanding balance of $ 6,0
